Thursday, March 18, 2010

Safety Tips

The Pointless Digressions hair stylist (Monsieur Rick) had occasion to purchase a new blow dry device the other day, and, as it was a model new to him, despite his vast experience (he saw "Shampoo" fifteen times, mainly for Julie Christie) he thought it wise to read the operating instructions.

At first, they seemed strange.  Then he realized he was reading the text in Spanish.  Switching to a language with which he is  marginally more familiar, he read the usual safety precautions, which had nothing new to impart, until he came to "Never use while sleeping." 

We are not making this up.  There it was, in 12-point black print, right after "Never use while bathing."

Rick thought about this for awhile, and came to the conclusion that "Never use while sleeping" is wise advice for the operation of not just hair dryers, but for many machines and devices. "Never use while sleeping" is applicable for:

* 18-wheel transport trucks
* Cement mixers
* Dental drills
* Hot air balloons
* Chain saws ("Never use while bathing" also applies here)  

And a viewer writes:  "Never blog while sleeping."  Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Sage advice and very, very funny, Mr. P.D. Thank you for the chuckle. :-)
