Monday, October 22, 2012

Football in Fog, Ice and Snow

One of the most charming moments in last weekend's CFL match between the Hamilton Tiger-Cats and the Calgary Stampeders, played in driving snow in McMahon Stadium, came when Bakari Grant, after scoring a touchdown, stretched out in the end zone and made snow angels.

For many, this is the way football is meant to be played--outdoors, in whatever weather is hurled at us. Chilly? Wear a scarf and carry a well-fortified Thermos.

One of the most memorable Grey Cup games, played in Toronto in 1962, was dubbed the Fog Bowl. Five minutes into the fourth quarter, when the officials realized the quarterbacks couldn't even see the guys snapping the ball, they called a 24-hour time out. The game was finished the following day, fog having lifted.

Then there was the Ice Bowl, in Montreal in 1977. The Alouettes' Tony Proudfoot said, "The field was a skating rink." So he came up with the idea that saved his team and the game: they switched their cleats for sneakers and nailed staples in the soles.

What might happen as we move toward the 100th Grey Cup game? Stay tuned, and watch the Weather Channel.

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