Thursday, December 2, 2010

Political Notes from Disneyland BC

The current political scene has become, for reporters and columnists, the equivalent of last summer's salmon run for fishermen.  Both of British Columbia's leading political parties continue to provide a smorgasbord of material, day after day.

On one side, we have several wannabe premiers vying for leadership of the Liberal party, and working hard to distance themselves from Gordon Campbell.  "Gordon who?" they say.  And HST?  "Gosh, I don't think I was there that day" or "I thought HST was a signal for Thanksgiving: Have Some Turkey."

In the other camp, we find the NDP imploding.  However, current leader Carole James remains unfazed.  "I look on the bright side," she said.  "Way fewer Christmas cards to send this year."

Meanwhile, Randy and Evy Quaid remind us that they are still available to lead either party or both, with a pledge to drive out the Starwhackers.

1 comment:

  1. This is analysis that cuts to the quick - or the slow.

    There exists no Canadian Mort Sahl because Canadian politics are without wit or humour. But British Columbia is the exception that proves the rule!

    Where else would two historic ruling parties like the Liberals and New Democrats be challenged by a vital movement like the Tupperware Party?

    Previously we had the choice between (a) a robust economy with moribund ethics or (b) robust ethics with a moribund economy.

    Now we have a third choice, moribund ethics with a moribund economy!
