Saturday, June 26, 2010

iPhone Phun

I flew to NYC and camped out for six days on the sidewalk in front of Crazy Ralph's Hi-Tech Mart to make sure I was the first person on the continent to own an iPhone.  It wasn't bad, except for the garbage trucks, some friendly rodents, and a few guys crazier than Crazy Ralph.

So I got my iPhone (or maybe I should say "i got my iPhone") and prepared to leap into a new dimension of telecommunications.  And here's what I have received so far:

* Four telemarketing messages ("Congratulations!  You have won a trip for two to Kabul!")
* Three wrong numbers ("Whaddya mean?  Myrna assured me this was her private personal number.")
* One call from my bank ("Your overdraft has now reached a perilous level.") 
* One veiled threat ("We know who you are and where you are, so get the cash ready or learn to swim with cement flippers.")

For sale:  One iPhone.

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