And so our days are now filled with a symphony of sawing, hammering, drilling, the cheery songs of the workmen, and the occasional cry of "Oh #@$%*&!, that was my $#@!*&+ thumb!"
We also find the work crew peering into the studio, looking over our massive shoulders as we go to air, and sometimes offering editorial comments; e.g., "I think that's a misplaced gerund." And we always thought a gerund was a native of some Eastern European country.
Having the workmen on the deck sharing our life reminds us of George Formby's "Window Cleaner Song," graciously provided on CD by adored sister Miss T. (for whom Errol Garner composed the song "Misty").
The lines that resonate with the PD staff:
"It's a job that just suits me
A window cleaner you would be
If you could see what I can see
When I'm cleaning windows."
There will be more on this, as the jolly work crew is expected to be on the deck--and peering through the windows--until snowfall. Snowfall 2012.
George Formby fans, and those simply curious, may catch the Lancashire comic on Youtube singing "The Window Cleaner Song"" and playing his banjolele.