Sunday, May 16, 2010

Homophobia scores first in Williams Lake

Students at a Williams Lake high school had prepared a number of events for Anti-Homophobia Week, but, under pressure from some parents, and the invertebrate of school principals and school district leaders, the students have been made to reschedule or cancel some of these events.

This has caused some surprise among those of us who have visited Williams Lake, particularly at Stampede time, and have found it to be a model of sophistication and civil discourse.  Few things can seize your attention like a beer bottle thrown at the head.

Two of the planned events cancelled, or moved to other times, are the screening of a video by the Gay/Straight Alliance and Gender Bender day, at which students might have turned up in whatever garb, male or female, they prefer.  Teachers might have liked this, too.

But the anti-anti-homophobia people have moved in, and won the first round; they perhaps do not realize that this is a seven-game series.

Nor do they understand that homophobia (morbid fear of homosexuality) may be inner directed.  Sexuality is complex, and many people do not want to recognize this in themselves. So in their case, homophobia becomes hate.  Which is--do we need to say this?--unhealthy.


  1. Can I post a link to this in my blog **?

  2. I really think its a shame the parents don't open their minds more. They have to realize there are homosexuals in the world around them, whether they condone it or not. I've heard of too many suicides/attempts because of this attitude that parents and loved ones should reach out and make sure everyone is appreciated and felt welcome in society. These parents should really grow up if they think their children are going to 'catch' or 'be converted' to homosexuality in some way!

  3. I'm the president of said GSA in Williams Lake, I think it's awesome that you did a post about what happened :) Thank you.

    We're not backing down on this and we're going to keep fighting to be allowed to put on our events next year for the International Day Against Homophobia.

  4. Good for you, Lexi! All good wishes to you and your team!

  5. there is such a thing as being too open minded. Why should everyone have to should accept everything because it's 2010. Yes we should tolerate others but that's completely different It's just like racism, it isn't illegal, hate crimes are illegal yes but not passive "prejudice".

  6. and no, hatred is not unhealthy, thats a silly christian mind set, it's a natural human emotion and why should we fear it?

  7. I'm the PR at Columneetza for our GSA. My name is Jolene, and I too, thank you for doing a post on this.

    We do intend on continuing to fight, as Lexi said. Even if there is backlash later on.

  8. Good luck in PR, Jolene. It's a field where I have spent many wild and crazy, challenging and ultimately rewarding moments (including a few in Williams Lake).

  9. i sincerely hope the backlash is swift and decisive.

  10. This is sad. I started the GSA in my HS and it is still there and going strong now. I wish the girls all the best and I hope they can keep their heads held high and forge ahead to better Williams Lake (&beyond!) for all it's inhabitants.

    PS - This reminds me of the recent prom ordeal:

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