Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Transit Etiquette

One of the pleasant surprises in an era in which manners and civility are said to be diminishing is the custom of many transit users to call out "Thank you" when disembarking. And sometimes the driver responds, with "You're welcome" or "'Bye now" or even "Have a nice day."

Two acts of modest kindness witnessed the other day: A driver parking his bus and waiting, sensing that a young man on crutches, a half-block away and hobbling as fast as he could, wanted to board. And, in place of the usual disembodied voice announcing the next stop, the driver himself, in full, rich baritone, calling out not only the stops, but also shops and restaurants and connections to other buses.

Hearing the driver's splendid delivery, topping many voices on today's airwaves, we remembered that Peter Mansbridge had been discovered while working in an airport, speaking on the public address system. A producer heard him and thought, "Maybe this guy has a future in radio."

If we were still working in radio, we would have hired that bus driver.

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