Saturday, December 6, 2014

Breaking Relationships

Paul Simon told us there are more than fifteen ways to leave your lover. Now we need Paul, or Dr. Phil, or somebody, to tell us how to leave a website. Or, how to get a website to leave us. You cannot take an online service to dinner and after a glass or two of wine say, "It's not you--it's me."

Internet providers of information we do not want have a tag in small print saying, "To unsubscribe, click here." But when these people get our clicks, they say to themselves, "Oh, I'm sure he doesn't mean it--he's just having a bad day." And they keep sending their material--day after day after day.

They are relentless. A simple request to learn more about a group can result in being dragged into that group, made a member, vulnerable to e-mail from every other digitally brain-washed member. It's like being drawn into a cult of cyber-worshippers. It is easier to resign from the Mafia than from these persistent online-pals.

Please, Paul--send advice. Tell us how to access the anti-social media. But don't add us to your daily e-mail list.

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