Saturday, March 4, 2017

Tweetin' with Trump

Sounds like a jazz tune, doesn't it? Unfortunately, this is not a rowdy swing number by trumpeter Trump Davidson, it is today's political reality. Or unreality.

It is amazing that Donald Trump, a proclaimed teetotaler, can come up with the kind of crazy middle of the night tweets that, for the rest of us, require three or four hours of serious alcohol consumption. Maybe they're spiking his Metamucil.

Trump, with his latest barrage ("Obama is tapping my phone," "Schwarzenegger sucks"), is beginning to act like Captain Queeg.

Captain Queeg in the White House ("Who stole the strawberries? I'll find that key!") is increasingly weird, if not really dangerous. Who is going to play Lieutenant Maryk and take command of the ship?

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