Sunday, June 30, 2019

Ooooh, Canada!

As we celebrate Canada Day
Let's raise a glass to Sir John A.
And also Wilfrid Laurier.
And in our patriotic frenzy,
Let's not forget Alex Mackenzie,
John Thompson and Mackenzie Bowell,
Who helped the nation rock 'n' roll.
Robert Borden, Sir Charles Tupper,
Pull up a chair and stay for supper.
At karaoke, we'll all sing
With Arthur Meighen, Mackenzie King.
Count on Louis St. Laurent
To bring the party all we want.
Bennett, Pearson, Diefenbaker--
All solid dudes, not one a faker.
Then comes the cool Pierre Trudeau,
Cause of Trudeaumania,
Followed by Joe Clark, and the country grew much sanier.
John Turner--Princess Margaret danced with him--
Big-jawed Mulroney, and Ms. Kim.
Jean Chretien, our jovial frère,
Stephen Harper, just a little square.
And now, with charm and smiles his rivals rue,
We're in the days of Trudeau Two.
Who'll come next in this illustrious line?
Whoever it is, Canada will still be fine!

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