Monday, November 18, 2019

No Joy in Dobberville

The Eastern and Western CFL Finals ended as most sportswriters had predicted, and as your correspondent would have bet, if he had been a betting man and had any money to bet with.

When the Saskatchewan Roughriders went down at Mosaic Stadium in Regina in front of a sea of green, we thought the mood of the fans must be similar to those in Mudville watching the mighty Casey strike out.

Regina, during the reign of the worshipped quarterback Glenn Dobbs, was dubbed (or dobbed) Dobberville. As the Roughriders fell on Sunday, we thought of the final lines of "Casey at the Bat," and intoned, to anyone who would listen:

"There is no joy in Dobberville/The mighty Riders have struck out."

--Slap Maxwell.


  1. ...and the squawking cry of the Saskatchewan Wild Ptarmigan once again echoes across the snow-blanketed prairie..."Nextyear..(honk)..Nextyear!!...

  2. ...or was that the sweetly carolling soprano of a "Killdeer...Kildeer -- Next Year, Next Year!"
