Thursday, January 23, 2020

On Going Viral

We have found that "going viral" has a less desirable meaning. This occurred to us while reclining in the paramedics' limo en route to the ER.

The background music was not the best choice: tuned to All-Country, All-the-Time, they were playing "I'm Heading for the Last Roundup."

Still, it was comforting to be rolled into a hospital bed, even though it was designed for someone the size of Danny DeVito, and once all those IVs went to work--Martinis in one, sangre de toro in the other--the road to rude good health was reopened.

Our conclusion: Next New Year's, we will resolve not to get sick.

Unless it's a simple hangover. We can handle that.

--Slap Maxwell, back for the Super Bowl.

1 comment:

  1. Been wondering how long it might take for that list of hangover cures to take hold and move Dr. digression along the lumpy road to recovery. On the Island side, an IV containing splashes of Triple Sec in the soda has proved beneficial...
