Saturday, June 5, 2010

Gimme That Old-Time Religion

A recent book by Marci McDonald, "The Armageddon Factor:  The rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada," suggests there is a number of people with peculiar religious ideas within the Harper government circle.

We, personally, have no problem with zealous missionaries setting out to exorcise public buildings or to encourage statues of historic figures to speak in tongues.  Nor does it offend us that they seem to have access to much of the parliament buildings. (Although being "slain in the spirit" in a crowded elevator can be tricky.)

It is probably a good thing that Helena Guergis's ministerial office has been turned unto a chapel. In fact, Rahim Jaffer says he anticipated this:  "What I was doing in there wasn't lobbying--I was conducting prayer meetings!"  

We were granted an interview with one of the leaders of the new movement.  She is now known as Celestial Valhalla, a name she chose after being freed from the curse of bad hair, placed on her by a coven of witches.  We asked her about what is known as "The Rapture."

"That's when all us good people will be swept up on high for eternal bliss and guilt-free snack foods."

"Are there many 'good people' in federal politics?"

"We are still a minority, but Armageddon or the next election is coming."

"What about Mr. Ignatieff?"

"Stop!  Don't even mention that name!  He is..he is the Anti-Stephen!"

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