Monday, March 25, 2013

Steve Greets the Bears

Seldom has Canada's Prime Minister looked as ecstatically happy as when he greeted two giant panda bears from China. While somewhat reserved when meeting heads of state--Barack Obama, Angela Merkle, et al.--he seemed, on meeting the bears, to be experiencing orgasmic joy or a religious epiphany.

The pandas will be on view for the next five years, at Toronto and Calgary zoos. In return, Prime Minister Harper is sending Chinese zoos Joe Oliver and Tony Clement.

Meanwhile, the fashion news from Washington is all about bangs, enjoying their greatest revival since the days of Ish Kabibble. It began when First Lady Michelle Obama declared that she was dealing with midlife crisis by having her hair set in bangs. It has not been confirmed that the President is responding by growing a Groucho Marx moustache.

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