Wednesday, August 19, 2015

I Can't Get the Name, but...

Our artist friend Tom Huntley (we are fortunate to have a lot of artist friends) once said, "There are only six basic facial types." We weren't sure whether this was true, or if there were only six Tom could draw.

But watching the passing parade recently, we have begun to think Tom was right--there may be only six basic facial types (and even fewer in small countries). It seems reasonable--how many facial characteristics are there in the universal gene pool?

Besides, we've been told there are only six degrees of separation between individuals on this planet (hard as it may be to believe only six degrees separate Jennifer Lawrence and Kim Jong-Un).

So the next time you run into someone and can't come up with a name, you certainly can say, "I can't place the name, but your face is very familiar. Same one several people have."

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