Monday, November 21, 2016

One More Unnecessary Election Analysis

Political commentators, hoping to hold on to their jobs a few more weeks, continue their analyses of the recent US presidential election.They try to determine the voting impact of various groups--millennials, Latinos, suburban matrons, white high school dropouts, professional tightrope walkers, et al.

But the answer is that the outcome on November 8 was due to the actions of just three groups: the cool, the uncool, and the terminally alienated.

Meanwhile, the president-elect continues a tradition of communicating with the people. As FDR had his Fireside Chats, DJT has his 3:00 a.m. tweets.

And how about the cast of "Hamilton" confronting Mike Pence? Trump was very annoyed. But wait for what happens when Mitt Romney takes him to "The Book of Mormon."

Trying to break ourselves of politics addiction. Trying..trying..

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