Sunday, January 16, 2011

Roger the Rodent's Global Globes Acceptance Speech

Thank you, thank you, fellow thespians and rodents, especially Squigley Squirrel and Geoffrey Gerbil--a real swinger, by the way--both of whom helped get me out of that crazy maze. Wow, imagine getting this coveted trophy and being kissed by Minnie Mouse!  

I would like also to thank Brad Pitt, who voiced my lines in the animated film "Revenge of Roger the Rodent." In appreciation, I have offered to voice Brad's lines in his next film, and, if he's on location somewhere, to keep Angelina company.  Ha ha--you know us rats.

Speaking, or squeaking, of which, I have formed a true Rat Pack: Dino Beaver, Sammy Shrew Jr., and Joey Rabbit. The rule is "Shout your yap and stay outa the trap." Gimme another hit of that Jack Daniel's cheddar. 

Finally, I must thank all my supporters in the Foreign Press Association, especially the four or five still hanging around after Robert DeNiro's speech.

And now, to all of my fellow rodent performers, let me say "Good luck in the lab tests!"  God bless!  Kiss kiss!

1 comment:

  1. What a treat to see the producers make a conscious effort to abbreviate the acceptance speeches! So often these rambling recitations of unfamiliar names have left viewers with glazed eyes drumming their fingers for the next presentation.

    And what fun to see Ricky Gervais do yet again what he does so consumately well - skewer the rich and famous! By far the most elegantly resected luminary was Cher ...

    "You don't want a ticket to see Cher? ... No, I don't want to see Cher! ... Why not? ... Because it's not 1975!"
