Saturday, February 12, 2011

Waiting Room Reading

A friend recently sent me an article from "The Economist", a much admired English publication. I was pleased, as I usually get to read "The Economist" only in my dentist's waiting room. I used to go to another dentist, but he only had "Flare" and "Archie Comics."

Most of my perusing of periodicals takes place in waiting rooms. It goes back to reading "Police Gazette" at the barber shop. Now I read "Sports Illustrated" at my personal trainer's, "Runner's World" at the podiatrist's, and "Bon Appetit" at the weight reducing salon. One orthodontist had a subscription to "Encounter", but I found out the magazine was being funded by the CIA, and the orthodontist had installed a tiny transmitter in one of my crowns that kept broadcasting "Voice of America." 

Usually I didn't have an appointment with these medical professionals; I just liked to sit in their waiting rooms and read their magazines. If they had a coffee maker, all the better. But then the receptionists began insisting I come in for a treatment. So far I've had my teeth capped, deviated septum repaired, and a full range of Botox treatments.

I calculate that all this has cost me roughly $75,000.  But hey--look at what I've saved on magazines!

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