Sunday, March 11, 2012

Bovine Thoughts on Daylight Saving Time

A herd of cattle in Saskatchewan was heard discussing the arrival of Daylight Saving Time. Elmer, a studious bull, said "Did you know, friends, that this peculiar idea was first advanced in 1784 by Benjamin Franklin?"

Jenny the Jersey snorted. "What, so he could have more time flying his kite?"

"He was the first to propose the idea," Elmer continued, "but not the last. Someone named George Vernon Hudson, now lost to history, brought it up again in 1895. However, Daylight Saving Time was not put into practice until the years of World War One." 

"Not a good time to be a cow," said Harry the Hereford. "Ye've got that rrright," added Aberdeen Angus.

"It was," said Gus Guernsey, popular talk show host of the pasture, "George W. Bush who moved Daylight Saving Time a month earlier." 

"Another of W's great ideas," muttered Ayrshire Alice.

"Well," said Elmer, "we can be glad that Saskatchewan has shown the good sense not to be caught up in this foolishness."

"Yes," Jenny concurred. "I do not want any changes in schedule, Milking time is sacred."

Moos all 'round.


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