Tuesday, July 15, 2014

We're Having a Heat Wave...

...a tropical heat wave. Well, not really, but one is tempted to whistle that old Irving Berlin song. Carmen Miranda fruit salad headdress optional.

Some of remember when heat caused the computers in the Vancouver Courier production room to go kaflooey, resulting in copy that looked like a page out of "Finnegan's Wake." Air conditioning was quickly installed. But only in the production area. The rest of us kept pounding our manual typewriters in tank tops and Speedos.

In the early years of CHQM, the air conditioning system in the control room/studio block was a fan blowing across a chunk of ice in a wash tub. The newsroom did not enjoy such luxury, leading one announcer to end a 9:00 p.m. newscast saying, "the temperature outside: 78 degrees. In the QM newsroom: 98."

We all admired our colleague's candor, but he was soon out. Not out in the cold--out in the heat.

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