Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Saint Steve of the Arctic

Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced today that he had found one of the ships from the lost Franklin Expedition. Okay, the PM didn't actually go underwater himself, but he was the de facto leader of the exploratory venture in the Far North.

Conservatives see this as a major advantage as the country heads toward a federal election. One Tory MP said, "What have Trudeau and Mulcair found recently?"

Now there is a move in the PMO's office to have Harper elevated to sainthood. A spokesman told reporters, "We know that Anthony is the patron saint of lost objects, and there are several patron saints of sailors, including Cuthbert and Brendan, but there is no patron saint of lost ships. We believe Prime Minister Harper is ideally suited for this title."

So far there has been no response from the Vatican.

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