Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Ghosts of Radio Past

Kelly McFarland, writing in the National Post, says "One wonders just who the CBC thinks is reading its website, but clearly it doesn't figure its readership is among the smarter members of the population." McFarland reached this conclusion after reading the CBC's tips for surviving winter. The first tip: "Wear a coat."

We've begun to feel that CBC Radio producers also have a less than flattering idea of their listeners'' intelligence. The other day, for example, a Radio Two host informed her audience that "Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons' is a musical work about the four seasons."

We could rail for some time about the CBC's current deficiencies, but having over the years ourselves subjected listeners to some tiresome moments, we will only say that we wish the current crew of CBC programmers might be visited by Ghosts of Radio Past.

The ghosts we are thinking of: Alan McFee, John Drainie and Just Mary.

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