Monday, February 13, 2017

The President's Valentine's Day

The Prime Minister of Canada is here today, and he has brought me Valentine cards from all the people of his country, in both official languages. I expect tomorrow there will be truckloads of Valentine cards from my millions of supporters in the United States, and from fans around the world, like Marine Le Pen and Rodrigo Duterte.

It brings back happy memories of Valentine's Day when I was at my school for exceptionally privileged children. Remember how each class had a box for Valentine cards? In my room, there were two boxes, one for me and one for everyone else. My box was so full, the teacher had to call in assistants to lift it. I probably received more Valentine cards than anyone else in the school, probably anyone in history. I know some said Ronny Fitzgibbon got more, but that was because he illegally sent himself dozens of cards, all signed "Guess Who." Well, folks, I guessed who (or should it be whom?) Who cares, I was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Some people got comic Valentines, even, I'm sorry to say, rude Valentines. Disgraceful! Mine were all declarations of adoration. Beautiful!

Let me close with my own special Valentine for you:

Roses are red, violets are blue;
'Til 2020, I'm here for you.
(And Stevie is, too.)

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