Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Trump-Trudeau Tete-a-Tete

Inside the long-awaited meeting of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and US President Donald Trump.

Trump: Welcome to my White House, Justin. I'm sure you're thrilled to be here.

Trudeau: C'est mon travail.

Trump: Listen, Justin: I've been thinking of making Sarah Palin our ambassador to Canada. Whaddya think about that?

Trudeau: Un idée effrayant.

Trump: I knew you'd be pleased! Now tell me frankly--what do you think of those Saturday Night Live routines?

Trudeau: Vraiment desopilant!

Trump: That's right, very disrespectful. Well, Justin, good to get to know you. Give my regards to Stompin' Tom Connors.

Trudeau: Il est mort.

Trump: Yes, I mean whee, a great guy.

Trudeau: Au revoir. Monsieur President.

Trump: Well, Ivanka, that seemed to go very nicely. What did you think of our new Canadian pal?

Ivanka: Un hunk magnifique.

Trump: Ha ha--I guess you picked up some of that French lingo sitting next to him at lunch. What does "un hunk magnifique" mean?

Ivanka: Someone with whom we could enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship.

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